United Way's Workforce Strategies website offers insight on best practices

A new website has debuted that can help businesses find ways to help reduce turnover and increase productivity while providing employees with the supports they need for financial stability.
Workforce Strategies highlights best practices and policies successfully implemented by companies in areas such as benefits and compensation, professional development, scheduling and flexibility, and financial wellness.
The site was recently launched by United Way of Northern New Jersey’s ALICE Action Network, which has been bringing together some of the brightest minds across industries to determine ways to improve life for their low-income workers, customers, and partners.
The result is a mix of case studies and videos highlighting how area businesses have successfully taken action for ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) workers.
“While we’ve seen an increase in appreciation for essential workers during the pandemic, gratitude alone will not help ALICE pay the rent, afford child care or cover a medical bill,” said ALICE Action Network Senior Director Michelle Roers. “With this new site, we can do more than say thank you — we can enact strategies to make meaningful change.”
Case studies highlighted include one business that offered employees a shifting start time, allowing them to manage getting their children to child care or school without being late for work. Another business established a career ladder program to regularly promote staff, giving employees opportunities for career growth which increases earning potential. And yet another business created an employer sponsored emergency fund to help employees weather unexpected emergencies, helping them avoid taking out loans and missing work.
“These ideas aren’t necessarily a big lift on the employer’s side, but they truly make a big impact in the lives of employees,” said Roers. “When we act for ALICE, we see employees who are able to focus on their jobs and are loyal to their employers. It’s a win-win.”
Workforce Strategies also offers employers an overview of what it means to be an ALICE worker, the challenges these workers face and the business case for helping them. Employers can also learn how to make a difference by volunteering and donating to support United Way’s work.
To learn more about the ALICE Action Network, visit workforcestrategies.unitedwaynnj.org.