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Hard Work Pays Off For United In Care Home-Based Child Care Providers

Updated: 5 days ago

Pictured left to right: In-home provider Marleny Silva and Parsippany Child Day Care Center director Linda Miynarski celebrating Marleny's 4-star quality rating
Pictured left to right: In-home provider Marleny Silva and Parsippany Child Day Care Center director Linda Miynarski celebrating Marleny's 4-star quality rating

It’s no easy feat to achieve a quality rating from Grow NJ Kids, New Jersey’s child care rating system. Child care providers are put through a rigorous process that can take an average of two years to complete. They are mandated to undergo state assessments and multiple trainings, all while operating a full-time business. On a scale of 1 to 5, a 3 or higher demonstrates quality.

Despite the intense process, our United In Care providers say the final outcome is worth the effort – helping them stand out in the industry as a quality program and giving parents peace of mind that their children are cared for in a safe, nurturing environment. Quality ratings are also tied to a financial boost from the state, ultimately helping to better sustain these businesses.

This year, with the support of United In Care, home-based child care providers Yahaira Ayala (La Casa de Mama), Michele McEnroe (Michele’s Family Child Care), and Marleny

Silva (My Little Town Center, LLC) earned four-star ratings. We worked side-by-side with these entrepreneurs to boost their business acumen, encouraging them along the way.

“Sin United In Care, no sé dónde estaría. Tener este apoyo del sistema que proporciona United Way me ayudó a motivarme, inspirarme, y me ayudó a mantenerme en el camino para alcanzar mis metas. (Without United In Care, I don’t

know where I would be. Having the United Way support system helped motivate me, inspire me, and keep me on track to reach my goals)," said Yahaira Ayala, owner of La Casa de Mama (translated from original Spanish).

In addition to the United In Care professional staff providing individualized technical assistance, the network of providers served as a support network for one another. Providers regularly collaborated to share tips, ranging from ideas for food preparation to discussing early intervention for children with special needs. Working as a team, we identified and addressed improvements that led to providers obtaining higher Grow NJ Kids ratings.

The first step after receiving a rating, according to the state, is to celebrate! We look forward to celebrating these significant business milestones as United In Care grows.

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ALICE   is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, and represents the growing number of families who are unable to afford the basics of housing, food, child care, health care, technology, and transportation. These workers often struggle to keep their own households from financial ruin, while keeping our local economies running.


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