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United Way Launches Free IRS-Certified Tax Preparation Program

Low- and moderate-income families can receive free tax prep and filing services in-person and online

A calculator and a pen atop tax forms.

Starting February 1, area residents can once again get their taxes prepared at no cost to them at tax sites run by United Way of Northern New Jersey and its partners in Morris, Somerset, Suburban Essex, Sussex and Warren counties. Those who wish to have their returns completed virtually can use a free, safe, and secure online portal.


This free service is designed to help New Jersey households struggling to afford the basics. For local individuals and families who are ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) or in poverty, the free tax preparation program allows them to receive the credits and refunds they’ve earned while saving the average $270 fee paid tax preparers charge. 


“ALICE and households in poverty are choosing between keeping the heat on and putting food on the table. With budgets already stretched thin, spending hundreds on a tax preparer isn’t an option,” said United Way of Northern New Jersey CEO Kiran Handa Gaudioso. “That’s why United Way, our partners and our highly trained volunteers are committed to helping ALICE families get back every dollar they deserve — and need.”


United Way has teamed up with the IRS, Norwescap and Greater Providence Missionary Baptist Church to offer in-person appointments with IRS-certified volunteers who prepare and file both state and federal returns for free.


To schedule an in-person or drop-off appointment, text FreeTaxNJ to 51555. Or call 973.993.1160, x5, leave a message and a scheduler will return your call to set up an appointment.


By visiting, tax filers can access the easy-to-use online system to have their federal and state tax returns prepared and filed electronically for free. The system uses secure document uploads, encrypted email communication and video conferencing. Assistance and forms are available in both English and Spanish. 

“Whether clients file their taxes with us in-person or online, they can expect a high-quality experience with IRS tax law-certified preparers, a double review process and the timely completion of their returns,” said Gaudioso. “Our tax preparers also ensure clients receive all eligible deductions and credits.”

In addition to in-person or drop-off appointments and the online portal, income eligible individuals and families can also use self-filing software to file their federal and state tax returns for free.


To learn more about filing options or for questions about the online portal, email or leave a message in English or Spanish at 973.993.1160, x5 and a tax scheduler will return your call. 

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ALICE   is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, and represents the growing number of families who are unable to afford the basics of housing, food, child care, health care, technology, and transportation. These workers often struggle to keep their own households from financial ruin, while keeping our local economies running.


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