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United Way Day Of Action

National Day Of Volunteerism

Each year on June 21st, United Ways across the country participate in a nationwide day of service called Day of Action. With more daylight hours than any other day, June 21st is the perfect opportunity to roll up your sleeves and let your actions speak louder than words. It's the perfect way to show, by example, what it means to LIVE UNITED.

As a national day of volunteerism, Day of Action provides an opportunity for United Way to declare our intention to improve lives in measurable and lasting ways by mobilizing the caring power of thousands of people in each community.

Anyone can participate in this national day of service – from championing a cause to joining a volunteer activity with the whole family. Save the date and start planning today. That's what it means to LIVE UNITED.

Find a project

Get Involved

Mark your calendars for the annual Day of Action!  United Way of Northern New Jersey invites you to be part of the change in our communities. Find a project in your area or create one on your own.   Here are a few ideas to help jumpstart your Day of Action plans:


Individuals:  Give an hour, a day, or a week

  • Clean up a local community park

  • Host a community-wide garage sale and donate the proceeds

  • Sign up to be a story time reader at your local library

  • Babysit for a single mother in your neighborhood

  • Drive an elderly neighbor to doctor's appointments or to run errands

  • Grocery shop for someone who can't

  • Clean up the yard of a neighbor in need

  • Bring your gently-used clothes to the Salvation Army or local donation bin

  • Double a recipe and deliver a meal to someone in need

  • Bring healthy nonperishable foods to a local soup kitchen or food pantry

  • Coach a youth summer team

  • Volunteer at a summer camp

  • Donate gently-used sports equipment to a family shelter

  • Register people to vote

  • Advocate for a cause that you believe in


Businesses, clubs, and community groups: Lend time and talent to help the community

  • “Adopt” an agency
    • Donate your time and talent – accounting, marketing, design, etc.

    • Donate office supplies - energy efficient light bulbs, paper, pens, etc.

    • Loan your maintenance/grounds person for small jobs

    • Print brochures or advertisements

    • Donate media space to advertise the agency’s services to the public

  • Hold a drive for neighbors in need
    • Healthy food and produce

    • Energy efficient light bulbs

    • Winter coats, hats, scarves, and gloves

  • Complete a project at a local agency
    • Painting offices or living space

    • Landscaping and cleaning up outdoor space

    • Funding and building a playground for needy children

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